Kumkum Bhagya 25th August 2024 written update

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Kumkum Bhagya 25th August 2024 written update

Kumkum Bhagya 25th August 2024 written update

Today we will discuss on Kumkum Bhagya 25th August 2024 written update, full of suspense scenes. Neha forces RV to divorce Purvi immediately. Let’s dive into the full update to know what happens in this episode.

Yesterday Update: Kumkum Bhagya 23rd August 2024 written update

Scene Update

Armaan showed Khushi a surprising news update: RV and Neha had participated in a pre-engagement ceremony. Taken aback, Armaan asked Khushi if she had any prior knowledge of this, but she admitted she was unaware, explaining that she had a major argument with Purvi earlier. In the heat of the moment, Khushi had cut ties with Purvi, a decision she soon regretted. Armaan encouraged Khushi to talk to both Purvi and RV, suggesting she should tell them that they were making a mistake. He explained that if he were to approach RV, it might seem like he had a business motive, complicating the situation further. Khushi agreed and decided to confront Purvi.

At the same time, RV apologized to Purvi for the pre-engagement ceremony, explaining that he felt it was a necessary step. Purvi also apologized, admitting that things had spiraled out of control due to her actions. She revealed that she had dropped Neha at the bus stop but had no idea who had convinced Neha to return and agree to marry RV. Concerned, RV asked Purvi if she suspected someone of influencing Neha, to which Purvi confidently replied that she was sure of it. Despite trying to stay composed, RV confessed to Purvi that he was deeply scared. Even though he was frightened, RV reassured Purvi not to overthink the situation, though it was clear the events were weighing heavily on his mind.

In another scene, Jasbeer was seen admiring a photo of Purvi. He received a call from Monisha, who informed him that Purvi had started to suspect their involvement. Monisha urged Jasbeer to act quickly, suggesting that Raman should be sent the next day to carry out their plans, to which Jasbeer agreed.
Later that night, RV struggled to sleep, troubled by the unfolding events. Noticing his restlessness, Purvi asked what was bothering him. RV admitted that he couldn’t sleep, prompting Purvi to comfort him, assuring him that everything would be alright. Her words seemed to provide RV with some courage, though the situation continued to weigh heavily on his mind.

The next morning, Purvi performed an aarti at the mandir. The sound of the aarti caught Harleen’s attention, and she felt a positive vibration. However, upon arriving at the mandir and seeing Purvi, Harleen’s mood soured. Deepika and Dadi also arrived, and Purvi offered them the aarti. When Purvi attempted to seek their blessings, Harleen harshly rebuked her, stating that her past wrongdoings could not be corrected by performing such acts. Harleen accused Purvi of causing significant trouble for their family and demanded that she stop pretending to be virtuous. Despite Purvi’s attempts to defend herself, no one was willing to listen.

Harleen continued to berate Purvi, accusing her of ruining RV’s life with her schemes. Purvi, however, accepted Harleen’s anger, promising that she would work to resolve the issues she had caused. Dadi, skeptical, asked Purvi how she planned to fix the situation. At this moment, Vaishali entered the scene, questioning if Purvi had made yet another mistake. Harleen informed Vaishali that Purvi claimed she would solve the problem, but Monisha interjected, stating that the situation had already escalated beyond their control. Vaishali warned Purvi not to complicate matters further with her plans, and Monisha agreed, advising Purvi to stay away from RV and Neha’s relationship. Purvi noticed that RV had overheard their entire conversation and saw him leaving, visibly distressed.

The tension escalated further when RV overheard a lawyer discussing with Dada Ji and Harman that the case now favored Neha, largely due to Purvi’s public announcement and RV’s engagement to Neha. The lawyer warned that any misstep could damage the family’s reputation. Realizing that RV was eavesdropping, Dada Ji called him into the conversation, but RV refused, choosing instead to walk away, leaving Dada Ji deeply concerned about RV’s state of mind. Harman tried to comfort his father, expressing hope that God would provide a way to save RV from the impending crisis.

The episode concluded on a somber note, leaving viewers wondering how RV would navigate the challenges ahead and whether Purvi’s efforts to mend the situation would be successful.

Action of Characters


  • Action: Shows Khushi a news update revealing RV and Neha’s pre-engagement ceremony.
  • Reaction: Surprised by the news and asks Khushi if she knew about it.
  • Encouragement: Advises Khushi to talk to Purvi and RV, suggesting that she should inform them that they’re making a mistake.
  • Rationale: Explains that if he approached RV, it might appear as if he had a business motive, which could complicate things.


  • Action: Reveals that she was unaware of the ceremony because she had a significant argument with Purvi earlier.
  • Reaction: Admits to cutting ties with Purvi in a moment of anger, later regretting her harsh words.
  • Decision: Agrees with Armaan’s suggestion and decides to confront Purvi.


  • Action: Apologizes to Purvi for the pre-engagement ceremony, explaining it was necessary.
  • Concern: Expresses worry that someone may have influenced Neha’s decision to return.
  • Confession: Admits to Purvi that he is scared and troubled by the situation, even though he tries to remain composed.
  • Insecurity: Struggles to sleep and confides in Purvi about his restlessness.
  • Eavesdropping: Overhears a conversation about how the case is now in Neha’s favor due to recent events, leading him to feel more distressed.


  • Action: Apologizes to RV, admitting that everything spiraled out of control because of her actions.
  • Disclosure: Shares with RV that she had dropped Neha at the bus stop and suspects someone influenced Neha’s return.
  • Comforting: Tries to reassure RV when he expresses his fears, even though she is also concerned.
  • Religious Devotion: Performs aarti at the mandir, hoping to find some solace or resolution.
  • Confrontation: Faces harsh rebukes from Harleen, Deepika, Dadi, and others for her past actions but vows to fix the situation she has caused.
  • Realization: Notices RV overhearing the conversation about his case, realizing he is deeply affected by the unfolding events.


  • Action: Admires a photo of Purvi, indicating his interest or obsession with her.
  • Collaboration: Receives a call from Monisha about their involvement being suspected and agrees to act quickly by sending Raman to carry out their plans.


  • Action: Informs Jasbeer that Purvi has started to suspect their involvement.
  • Advice: Urges Jasbeer to act quickly and suggests sending Raman to execute their plans the next day.
  • Intervention: Later, she interjects during the mandir scene, stating that the situation has escalated beyond control and advises Purvi to stay away from RV and Neha’s relationship.


  • Action: Is drawn to the mandir by the sound of the aarti but becomes angry upon seeing Purvi.
  • Accusation: Harshly rebukes Purvi, accusing her of causing trouble for the family and pretending to be virtuous.
  • Confrontation: Continues to berate Purvi, blaming her for ruining RV’s life.

Deepika and Dadi

  • Action: Arrive at the mandir with Harleen and receive aarti from Purvi.
  • Reaction: Remain skeptical of Purvi’s intentions and join in criticizing her for her past actions.


  • Action: Enters the mandir scene and questions Purvi’s involvement in the current situation.
  • Warning: Cautions Purvi not to complicate matters further, implying distrust in Purvi’s ability to resolve the issues.

Dada Ji

  • Action: Discuss the legal situation with a lawyer, who explains that the case now favors Neha.
  • Concern: Notices RV eavesdropping on their conversation and attempts to include him in the discussion, though RV walks away.


  • Action: He tries to comfort his father, Dada Ji, by expressing hope that God will help them navigate the impending crisis.


As the intricate web of misunderstandings, secrets, and fears continued to unravel, the characters found themselves at a critical juncture, each grappling with the consequences of their actions. RV’s growing anxiety, Purvi’s desperate attempts to right her wrongs, and the looming threat posed by Jasbeer and Monisha all hinted at a storm on the horizon. With relationships strained and trust eroded, the path forward seemed uncertain. The episode left a lingering sense of anticipation, as viewers were left to ponder whether the characters would find a way to reconcile and overcome the challenges that lay ahead or if the escalating tensions would lead to an inevitable downfall.

Stay tuned with us to know what will happen in the next episode.

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Hi, Myself Umashankar(Mr.Usp). I am expert in explaining television casting Movies, Shows and Serials. Especially i research so many times before writing to get accurate results on topics.


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