Payal Malik REACTS on Arman and kritika’s Intimate pic: How Did they do…

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Payal Malik REACTS on Arman and kritika’s Intimate pic

Payal Malik REACTS on Arman and kritika’s Intimate pic

Currently, the famous news of Bigg Boss house, Armaan Malik and Kritika Malik’s intimate and sex photo clip has become a headline and controversial news. All the public and politicians have also started raising controversy in it. Recently Payal Malik REACTS on Arman and kritika’s Intimate pic of hot topic which is going viral on social media. She recently posted it on her YouTube vlog channel.

Is this News real or fake?

The news of the incident that happened on July 8 night in the Bigg Boss house has shaken everyone. The intimate pictures of Armaan Malik and Kritika Malik in one bed have surprised everyone. To date, there is confusion in people’s minds about whether this is fake or true. 

But according to the Bigg Boss house contestants and the pictures captured by the camera, Armaan and Kritika Malik shared the same bedsheet in the same bed. After sharing one bedsheet, the body postures of both of them and the picture of them looking happy indicate something like this. The captain of Bigg House is the main witness of this. Some pictures captured in the camera of Bigg Boss house prove it.

This is the pics:-

Payal Malik REACTS on Arman and kritika’s Intimate pic

Payal Malik reaction on arman's intimate pic:

Armaan Malik, Payal Malik, and Kritika Malik all three came to Bigg Boss house from the same family. Payal Malik is Armaan’s first wife and Kritika is his second wife. Armaan Malik was already in controversy before coming to Bigg Boss for having two wives and now for his intimate pictures. Payal Malik, Armaan, and Kritika Malik all three entered Bigg Boss house together but got evicted from the house in the middle. 

Both Armaan and Kritika are inside the house and after that Kritika and Armaan did something which is still being discussed. Their intimate pictures on the same bed in the bedroom of Bigg Boss house were captured by Bigg Boss’ camera which has now become a headline on social media. After that photo, even his family members felt very embarrassed. Payal Malik has reacted to it and said that this picture is fake, the bed lamp in Bigg Boss’s room is fake, this image also fake. So she request all to stop spreading the fake image and stop the fake allegation on Aramn And Kritika malik.

Read like Post: Bigg Boss OTT 3 Controvesry: The Real reason behind armaan and vishal’s heated dispute Revealed!

Objection of public and Shiv sena on Arman's intimate pic:

Arman Malik’s intimate picture has created a dissatisfied feeling among Bigg Boss OTT 3 viewers. The entire public is enraged over this picture. Armaan Malik and Kritika Malik are getting a lot of hate on social media. Everyone is of the opinion that such shameless contestants should not be invited to such shows.

Not only the public, a well-known MLA of Shiv Sena, Dr Manisha Kayande has said not to spare such vulgarity, it affects the society. That is why she has ordered Mumbai Police to shut down the Bigg Boss show. She also said, “We will go to the inform and broadcasting minister at the center and will request them to punish them and to bring in the law in this recent session of the parliament on this type of OTT platforms. The entire public is also hating Armaan’s shameful act.

About Arman malik and Kritika Malik:

Arman malik and Kritika malik are the contestants of Bigg Boss house OTT 3 who are husband and wife in relations. Both are social media influencers and run the music industry. Arman has 2 wives one is Payal Malik and other is Kritika Malik. he has 4 children also, they are Chirayu, Tuba, Ayan and Zaid.

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