Yeh rista kya kehlata hai 4th September 2024 written update: Abhira’s Hardcore Struggle

Yeh rista kya kehlata hai 4th September 2024 written update

Yeh rista kya kehlata hai 4th September 2024 written update

In the latest Yeh Rista Kya Kehlata Hai episode, aired on 4th September 2024, the drama intensifies as Abhira faces mounting pressures from her family, leading to emotional confrontations and unexpected revelations. This Yeh Rista Kya Kehlata Hai 4th September 2024 written update delves into the struggles and decisions that define the episode, highlighting the challenges that could alter the course of Abhira and Armaan’s relationship forever. As tensions rise, the episode unfolds with compelling twists that keep viewers on the edge of their seats, eager to see what happens next.

Previous Episode: Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 2nd September 2024 written update

Scene Overview

The episode starts with Madhav encouraging Abhira, telling her that she can handle everything. However, Abhira is hesitant and replies, “I’m sorry, I can’t do it. I’m really scared of Vidya.” Madhav tries to reassure her, saying, “She is your mother. Don’t get caught up in the race of being the perfect daughter-in-law.”

Abhira, still feeling uneasy, goes to Vidya and hugs her. She says, “Armaan and I have chosen the designs for the Kalgi and Maang Tika. I’m trying my best to balance everything, but I really need your help.” Instead of the support she hoped for, Vidya scolds her. Manisha, who is nearby, steps in and says, “She’s trying to apologize.” But Vidya, still upset, responds, “Why apologize? Just try to understand my point of view.” Manisha suggests, “Maybe you could say it with a little more love.”

Vidya, calming down a bit, says, “I’ll explain the same thing to Kiara and Charu. You should take a few days off, it’s your wedding after all. You want to handle a function on your own, and you have a loan to pay off. But what about the family? We are doing all these preparations for your wedding, but remember, it’s your wedding.” With that, she walks away, leaving Abhira deep in thought.

Manisha tries to console Abhira, saying, “I know you well, Abhira. Maybe the system won’t change completely.” But Abhira, determined, says, “I won’t compromise on my work. It’s my mom’s dream for me to become a successful lawyer, and I intend to fulfill it.”

Meanwhile, Dadi is lost in her thoughts, recalling something Sanjay had said to her earlier. The next morning, Ruhi, another member of the household, is anxious. She ask aloud, “Will Dadi do something drastic? I wish she could return to her old, caring self.” Just then, Vidya arrives and asks, “Isn’t breakfast ready yet?” Ruhi quickly informs her, “Abhira has prepared some Himachali food. We should hurry, she also called the tailor to take our measurements. She’s going to host the Nathh function.”

Everyone gathers to see the designs Abhira has chosen. As they admire the designs, Ruhi’s mind drifts back, and she remembers Akshu. The tailor, busy with his work, asks, “Is there anyone else left?” Abhira looks towards her mother and says, “Yes, Maa is still left.” She gently asks Vidya to give her measurements, and Madhav nods in support.

Ruhi, however, seems distant and sad. Rohit notices her mood and asks, “What’s bothering you, Ruhi? Is it something Abhira did?” Ruhi shakes her head and replies, “No, it’s not about Abhira. It’s something else, something from my childhood that still hurts, and time hasn’t healed it.”

Meanwhile, Abhira invites everyone to enjoy the Himachali food she has prepared. As they start eating, she explains the dishes to them. They all seem to enjoy the food, but soon, an argument breaks out between Abhira and Sanjay. Feeling frustrated, Abhira excuses herself to get more food. As she prepares to leave, she thinks to herself, “I will work hard and earn money so that my family isn’t burdened. But why isn’t the loan getting approved?”

The tailor, still at the house, asks Abhira for an advance payment. She offers him 5000 rupees, but he says, “That amount will only cover the cost for one person.” At that moment, Armaan arrives and asks, “What’s going on? I’ll pay the money.” But Abhira, feeling overwhelmed, asks the tailor to leave.

Armaan, concerned, asks, “Why did you send him away? You can borrow the money from me and pay it back later.” Abhira, still hesitant, replies, “I’ve already taken a loan from you, I don’t want to take more.” Armaan reassures her, saying, “You shouldn’t hesitate to use money when you need it. After all, it’s yours too.”

Dadi, who has been watching this exchange, is worried. She thinks to herself, “Armaan is willing to spend our money on this girl.” Meanwhile, Kiara and Charu are busy making shopping plans. Dadi approaches them and says, “You can go shopping after signing these contract papers. Consider this a life plan. Bad times can come without warning, and I want you to be prepared. I hope you stay together, but if things don’t work out, I’ve written down some rules. I want you both to read this contract and think of yourselves as individuals, not just as a couple.”

Armaan, surprised by Dadi’s seriousness, says, “But Dadi, Abhira and I truly love each other.” Dadi nods and says, “I know, but even true lovers face problems. It’s important to enjoy the good times, but also be ready for the bad times.”

Abhira, feeling hurt, says, “We aren’t even married yet, and you’re already preparing for the possibility of our marriage breaking apart.” Dadi, trying to be practical, replies, “Relationships are fragile these days. It’s important to be realistic. If you truly love each other, signing this contract shouldn’t be a problem. In rich families, such contracts are common. Can’t you sign it?”

Abhira and Armaan start reading the conditions laid out in the contract. The first condition states that Abhira has to take a break from her work and focus on her household duties. Armaan immediately objects, saying, “Abhira won’t agree to this. She is very ambitious and has big dreams.”

Sanjay, who has been listening, says, “That girl is indeed ambitious, and she will go far in life.” But Dadi remains firm and says, “She will soon realize that balancing work and family is not easy.”

They move on to the next condition, which states that Abhira and Armaan must have their first child within a year of marriage. Dadi explains, “Once she has a child, she will be too busy to focus on her career.”

Sanjay, still skeptical, says, “What if she believes she can handle both her career and family? What will we do then?”

Dadi, concerned about Armaan’s future, says, “Armaan cannot afford to leave his career. That’s why this condition is necessary.”

As Abhira continues reading the contract, she comes across a clause that deeply upsets her. It states that if the marriage ends, the custody of their child will be given to the Poddar family. This is too much for Abhira, and she begins to cry.
Dadi, seeing Abhira’s tears, tries to explain her reasoning. She says, “I’m not trying to hurt you, Abhira. I just want to protect Armaan and our family. I have seen too many relationships fall apart, and I don’t want that to happen to you and Armaan. This contract is just a precaution, a way to ensure that everyone is taken care of, no matter what happens.”

Abhira, however, is devastated. She turns to Armaan and says, “How can you expect me to sign something like this? It feels like you don’t trust me or our love.”
Armaan, caught between his love for Abhira and his loyalty to his family, tries to comfort her. He says, “Abhira, I love you, and I trust our relationship. But Dadi is just trying to protect us. Maybe we should consider her advice.”

But Abhira is not convinced. She stands and told, “I can’t agree to these conditions. My career is important to me, and I won’t give it up. And I can’t sign a contract that takes away my rights as a mother.”

Dadi, realizing that Abhira is serious, softens her stance a little. She says, “I understand your feelings, Abhira. But life is uncertain, and it’s important to be ready for anything. This contract is just a way to ensure that we are all protected.”
But Abhira, with tears in her eyes, says, “I can’t sign it, Dadi. I’m sorry.”

Armaan, seeing how upset Abhira is, decides to support her. He says to Dadi, “If Abhira doesn’t want to sign the contract, then I won’t force her. I love her, and I believe in our relationship. We don’t need a contract to prove that.”

Dadi, seeing the love and determination in Armaan’s eyes, finally relents. She says, “Alright, Armaan. If you truly believe in your love, then I won’t push this any further. But remember, life is full of challenges, and you need to be ready for whatever comes your way.”

With that, Dadi leaves the room, leaving Abhira and Armaan alone. Abhira, still emotional, hugs Armaan and says, “Thank you for understanding. I was so scared that you wouldn’t support me.”

Armaan, holding her close, says, “I will always support you, Abhira. With this episode ends here.

Intention Of Characters

  1. Abhira
  • Intention: Abhira is determined to balance her career ambitions with her responsibilities as a daughter and soon-to-be wife. She wants to prove that she can manage both her professional and personal life without compromising her dreams. Despite the pressures from her family, she is resolute in not letting go of her mother’s dream for her to become a successful lawyer.
  1. Armaan
  • Intention: Armaan is caught between his love for Abhira and his loyalty to his family. He wants to support Abhira’s ambitions while also ensuring that she is accepted and respected by his family. Armaan’s primary goal is to maintain harmony between Abhira and his family, even if it means challenging traditional expectations.
  1. Vidya
  • Intention: Vidya wants to ensure that Abhira prioritizes her responsibilities towards the family and upholds traditional values. She is concerned about the family’s reputation and the smooth execution of the wedding. Vidya’s scolding comes from a place of wanting to guide Abhira in what she believes is the right direction.
  1. Manisha
  • Intention: Manisha acts as a mediator, trying to ease the tension between Vidya and Abhira. She wants to ensure that Abhira’s feelings are considered and that the situation is handled with love and understanding rather than harsh criticism.
  1. Dadi
  • Intention: Dadi is driven by a desire to protect the family’s interests and ensure that the marriage between Abhira and Armaan is secure. Her intentions are practical, focusing on safeguarding the family’s future by having Abhira sign a contract that outlines expectations and potential outcomes. She believes this will prevent any unforeseen complications.
  1. Madhav
  • Intention: Madhav’s intention is to encourage and support Abhira in handling the various pressures she faces. He wants her to find the confidence to manage both her personal and professional life, advising her not to get caught up in the expectations of being the perfect daughter-in-law.
  1. Ruhi
  • Intention: Ruhi is concerned about the family’s dynamics and is hoping that Dadi will return to her more caring and supportive self. She is also dealing with unresolved emotional wounds from her past, which add to her worries.
  1. Sanjay
  • Intention: Sanjay sees potential in Abhira and believes in her ambition to succeed. However, he also understands the challenges of balancing work and family life and is concerned about how these will impact Abhira’s future.
  1. Kiara and Charu
  • Intention: Kiara and Charu are primarily focused on enjoying the wedding festivities and making shopping plans. They are somewhat detached from the deeper issues at hand, but they are still influenced by the family’s decisions and expectations.


As Abhira and Armaan share a quiet moment, a shadow of uncertainty still lingers in the air. The challenges they face are far from over, and with Dadi’s stern warning echoing in their minds, the future holds more trials that could test their love and commitment. Will they be able to navigate the hurdles thrown their way, or will the weight of expectations pull them apart? As new secrets unfold and unexpected twists arise, the next episode promises to reveal whether Abhira and Armaan’s bond can truly withstand the storm that lies ahead. Stay tuned With us.

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Hi, Myself Umashankar(Mr.Usp). I am expert in explaining television casting Movies, Shows and Serials. Especially i research so many times before writing to get accurate results on topics.


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